
Freestyle 健體舞

香港考試及評核局 HKEAA

英國國家舞蹈教師協會 NATD

香港標準舞總會 HKBDC

Jointly organised
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
  1. Professional Examinations
  2. Amateur Medal Tests

Professional Examinations:

Candidates must be of 16 years of age or over.
Successful candidates gain no qualification in the society, but are permitted to attend teachers seminars on production of their Student registration card and a payment of the appropriate admission fee. The objective of these examinations is to provide experience for the candidates in preparation for their Associate examinations.

Candidates for the Associate examination must be 16 years of age or over.
This examination may be taken in Modules.

Candidates for the Licentiate examination must be over 18 years of age and must have had 2 years teaching experience immediately prior to their application.

Candidates for the Fellowship examination must have held their Licentiate as full members of the Freestyle Branch concerned for at least two years.  


Duration of examination minimum 30, maximum 45 minutes.
The examination to be taken in seven parts and may be taken in any order, at the examiners discretion.
All basic steps and actions should be performed with rhythmical body action and personal interpretation.

Part 1 – Demonstration (Demonstrate to Music)

  1. Exercise routine suitable for general limbering (min 32 bars)
  2. Isolation routine (min 32 bars)
  3. A 16 bar dance routine using own creative ability
  4. A 16 bar routine suitable for basic bronze class work

Part 2 – Explanation and Exercise
Explain :

  1. Theory of warm up and cool down
  2. Limbering routine as demonstrated
  3. Basic bronze routine as demonstrated
  4. Controversial movements – Heads and Knees etc

Part 3 – Anatom
Briefly Define :

  1. Muscles
  2. Tendons
  3. Ligaments

Candidates must have a knowledge of Directional chart

Part 4 – Definitions in alphabetical order
Define the following accompanied by music where necessary:

Accent Non Locomotive action
Freestyle danceRhythmical expression
Locomotive actionRoutine
Middle body action

Candidates must have knowledge of Directional chart
Part 5 – Steps and Movement in alphabetical order
Demonstrate and give technical descriptions of the following:               

Ball change Point
BouncingPressure step
Knee liftsStep

Candidates must have a knowledge of Directional chart

Part 6–Arm and Hand Movements in alphabetical order
Demonstrate and give technical descriptions of the following:

High VShake
Low VSnap

The candidate will be required to demonstrate methods of dancing a minimum of three steps or movements with arm and hand movements.

Part 7–Teaching Ability
Method and approach to conducting a class


Duration of examination minimum 1 hour, maximum 1.5 hours.
The student teacher syllabus, including dance and exercise routines, will be included in this examination at the examiners discretion.
The examination to be taken in seven parts and may be taken in any order, at the examiners discretion.
At all levels teaching ability will be assessed on the basis of presentation, knowledge of faults, their causes and correction, teaching methods, voice production and clarity of explanation.
All basic steps and actions should be performed with rhythmical body action and personal interpretation.
This examination may be taken in Modules.

Part 1 –Demonstration (Demonstrate to Music)

  1. Exercise routines suitable for general limbering – (min 32 bars).
  2. Isolation exercise routine — (min 32 bars).
  3. A 16 bar (or more) dance routine using own creative ability. 
  4. A 16 bar dance routine suitable for silver classwork.
  5. Two separate 8 bars dance routines of contrasting tempi or rhythms suitable for intermediate or silver classwork.
  6. A 16 bar routine – 14/18 bars per minute in 4/4 timing (Slow dance)

Part 2 –Explanation and Exercise
Explain and discuss:

  1. The theory of warm up and cool down.
  2. Limbering exercise routine as demonstrated.
  3. Isolation exercise routine as demonstrated.
  4. Silver routine as demonstrated.
  5. Two separate 8 bars routines as demonstrated.
  6. Explain and discuss all dance routines as demonstrated (including Student Teacher).
  7. Injury prevention.
  8. Breathing exercises.

Part 3 –Anatomy in alphabetical order (As Student Teacher – Plus)
Briefly Define :

 ASkeletal system
 The SkeletonJoints
 Functions of the SkeletonSynovial fluid
 BMuscular SystemMuscles:- types of
 CNervous SystemMotor sensory nerves

Candidates must have a knowledge of Directional chart

Part 4 –Definitions in alphabetical order (As Student Teacher – Plus)
Define the following accompanied by music where necessary:

Accented movementsTempo
Counting in beats and barsTime signature

Part 5 –Steps and Movement in alphabetical order
Demonstrate and give technical descriptions of the following:
Basic steps, actions and movements

Body bendingShake
Body rippleSpiral
Body stretchingSway
ContractionSwitch turn
Cross turnTurn
LeapTwist turn
LungeWhisk turn
Open turn 

Candidates must have a knowledge of Directional chart

Part 6–Arm and Hand Movements in alphabetical order
Demonstrate and give technical descriptions of the following:
Arm Movements

Arm circlesHand rolls
Arm swingingPulling
Clenched fistPushing
ContemporaryWrist circles

The candidate will be required to demonstrate advanced methods of dancing a minimum of three steps and/or movements with arm and hand movements.
Head Positions and Movements

Head roll/half circleTurned
InclinedTurned inclined

Part 7–Teaching Ability (As Student Teacher – Plus)
Approach to choreography for:
Solo routine
Pairs Routine


Duration of examination minimum 1.5 hours, maximum 2 hours.
The student teacher and associate syllabi, including dance and exercise routines, will be included in this examination at the examiners discretion.
The examination to be taken in seven parts and may be taken in any order, at the examiners discretion.
At all levels teaching ability will be assessed on the basis of presentation, knowledge of faults, their causes and correction, teaching methods, voice production and clarity of explanation.
Part 1 –Demonstration (Demonstrate to Music)

  1. Exercise routines suitable for general limbering – (minimum 32 bars)
  2. A 32 bar (or more) isolation exercise routine
  3. A 16 bar (or more) dance routine using own creative ability
  4. A 16 bar (or more) routine suitable for gold standard
  5. Two separate 8 bars dance routines of contrasting tempi or rhythms suitable for gold classwork
  6. A 16 bar routine – 14/18 bars per minute in 4/4 timing (Slow dance)

Part 2 –Explanation and Exercise
Explain and discuss all the routines above, as demonstrated, plus the following:
Warm up
Warming up in various ways according to the age and ability of your class.
A complete knowledge of warm up and components.
Cool down
A complete explanation of cooling down in various ways according to the age and ability of your class

Part 3 –Anatomy in alphabetical order (As Student Teacher and Associate- Plus)
Briefly Define :

  1. Skeletal system ((as for Associate- plus)
    Types of bones and joints
  2. Muscular System (as for Student Teacher and Associate- plus)
    Types of contraction
    Types of movements 
  3. Circulatory System 
  4. Breathing / Respiratory system
  5. Digestive system
    Food and energy

Part 4 –Definitions in alphabetical order (As Student Teacher and Associate- Plus)
Define the following accompanied by music where necessary:

Amount of turnPelvic action
Balance/CentringPositions of feet
Hip action 

Part 5 –Steps and Movement in alphabetical order (As Student Teacher and Associate- Plus)

Attitude jump*Ronde
Box split*Scissor kick*
Box split jump*Scissor leap*
DevelopSplits Half*
Drop or Hitch kickSplits Full*
JeteSplits Leap*
Merengue actionStar jump*
PirouetteStag leap*
Tour Jump 

NB All figures marked thus * need not be performed but candidates must be able to give a clear description.
Candidates should understand the type of movements suitable for :
Beginners through to medalists and competitors (all ages).
Under 8’s, Under 12’s, Under 16’s.
Slow routines
Adult social Freestyle exercise

Part 6–Arm and Hand Movements, Head Positions and Movements in alphabetical order (As Student Teacher and Associate- plus)
Candidates should have a good knowledge of all arm and hand movements, head positions and movements.

Part 7–Teaching Ability (As Student Teacher and Associate- plus)
Explain approach to:
Approach to choreography for
Slow dance routines
Team routine
Competitive training


Duration of examination minimum 2 hours, maximum 2.5 hours.
The student teacher, associate and Licentiate syllabus, including dance and exercise routines, will be included in this examination at the examiners discretion.
The examination to be taken in seven parts and may be taken in any order, at the examiners discretion.
Candidates for the fellowship examination of any corporate member of the British Dance Council must have been a full member in the freestyle branch for at least three years.
Candidates should be able to discuss and /or demonstrate ways of developing the routines in the demonstration section to suit
The high grade medalist       
The competitive dancer 
At all levels teaching ability will be assessed on the basis of presentation , knowledge of faults, their causes and correction, teaching methods , voice production and clarity of explanation.
Candidates of a mature age will be permitted to use a demonstrator, trained by the candidate for the advanced routines. When demonstrators are used the candidate will be expected to analyses the complete routine in depth.
Candidates should have an awareness of current musical trends and dances and discuss them.
Written notes are to be submitted for 8 bars of one of the 16 bar routines.

The examiner will provide the candidate with a written routine to be spontaneously analysed.
Candidates should have an awareness of rules concerning competitive Freestyle/Street dance.
Candidate will be required to explain their approach and structure to training

  1. Student Teacher
  2. Associate
  3. Licentiate
  4. Fellow

Amateur Medal Tests


  • Routines should include a combination of locomotive and non-locomotive actions and isolation movements.
  • Teachers should have an awareness of contemporary musical trends and current dance movements when choreographing the routines.


  • Dress is of the candidate’s choice, but should be appropriate to this form of dance. i.e. Dress/Skirt is not suitable
  • Shoes suitable for this dance form may be worn.
  • Not to be danced in bare feet.

Number on Candidates: 

  • It is recommended that a maximum of four candidates be examined at one time and that they wear numbers to assist proper identification and examination.
  • When entering Freestyle couples for examinations, teachers should clearly write ‘Couples’ on the report form.
  • All Amateur examinations must be taken in designated order.
  • For children under the age of 8 years, they must take RAINBOW AWARDS 1 before RAINBOW AWARDS 2. The Rainbow Award is an extreme attractive composite award for the children under the age of 8.
  • Candidate should achieve the following seven colours in order to complete each RAINBOW AWARDS.


  1. Violet
  2. Indigo
  3. Blue
  4. Green
  5. Yellow
  6. Orange
  7. Red

For children over the age of 8 years, beginner can take POPULAR DANCE TEST PART 1, 2 & 3 and then proceed to GRADE 1, 2 & 3.
Children can enter to the following examinations when they satisfy the following age requirements. Those who do not satisfy the age requirements but are interested to enter the following examinations should seek their registered teachers’ recommendations and approval.
All candidates under age of 16 years should attain GRADE 1, 2 & 3 in the appropriate branch to take the follow examinations first except with special permission from Hong Kong Ballroom Dancing Council, then they can start from ONE DANCE TESTS

(under 12)
(12 to 16)
(over 16)

RAINBOW AWARDS (For Children under the Age of 8)
This is an extremely attractive composite award for the under 8 years’ age group. There are seven colours to be taken to complete each of the RAINBOW AWARDS (please indicate which Dance is to be taken and each award MUST be taken in the following order)

  • Candidates may dance Freestyle, line routines or any new dance forms in vogue, either solo or with a partner.
  • The Examiner will assess the candidate on co-ordination, posture, poise, balance, rhythmical expression, musical interpretation, use of arms, legs, feet, head and body.

Tests are conducted in five divisions:

  1. Freestyle: Rainbow Awards, Pot of Gold
  2. Juvenile division: for candidates under 12 years of age.
  3. Junior division: for candidates of 12 and under 16 years of age.
  4. Adult division: for candidates of 16 years and over.

Tests are as follows:       

  • Freestyle Rainbow Awards, Parts 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, Pot of Gold
  • Popular dance tests, Parts 1,2,3
  • Grades: 1,2,3
  • One dance tests at bronze, silver and gold levels
  • Medal series: Bronze, silver, gold, gold cross, gold bar.


Two dances must be shown in each test. A minimum of four actions or movements should be demonstrated in each dance. Moving in time to the music is of primary importance.


These are introductory tests at beginner level. Candidates of any age may enter.
A minimum of four figures must be shown in each dance. Technical perfection is not expected. Moving in time to the music is of primary importance.
Those who already hold medals in any of the branches may take any of the popular dance tests.
Part One: One routine minimum 8 Bars
Part Two: Two routines minimum 8 Bars
Part Three: Three routines minimum 8 Bars


These act as a link between the popular dance test and the more technical tests which follow.

Grade 1One dance routine, a minimum of four actions and/or movements.Minimum 8 Bars
Grade 2Two dance routines, a minimum of four actions and/or movements.Minimum 8 Bars
Grade 3Three dance routines, a minimum of four actions and/or movements.Minimum 8 Bars
BronzeTwo dance routines, a minimum of four actions and/or movements and a higher quality of performance.Minimum 8 Bars
SilverThree dance routines, a minimum of six actions and/or movements and a higher quality of performance.Minimum 8 Bars
GoldFour dance routines, a minimum of eight actions and/or movements.Minimum 16 Bars

NOTE: One of the routines should be danced to slow music
For Gold & Above: One of the routines must be danced to slow music. 14 Bars to 18 Bars per minute.
Party Dances are not considered appropriate at this level.


Two candidates may be entered as a couple. Couples fees would then apply and the partnership would be marked as a couple. A report form, certificate and medal would be issued to each candidate. Candidates need not have taken the appropriate medal individually.
